% For Auduino tutorials, please check out the web pages: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/galileo-experiment-guide

% Author: Ling-Jyh Chen (cclljj@gmail.com)

% Last Update: January 20, 2015

install Yocto Linux on the SD card (download the Linux image from the Intel website: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=24000)

Plug in the SD card and boot the Galileo board

log in to the Galileo board (no password needed)

ssh root@Galileo_IP_Address

set up opkg (http://alextgalileo.altervista.org/package-repo-configuration-instructions.html)

edit /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf and add the following lines

src/gz all     http://repo.opkg.net/galileo/repo/all

src/gz clanton http://repo.opkg.net/galileo/repo/clanton

src/gz i586    http://repo.opkg.net/galileo/repo/i586


update opkg, and update libc

opkg update

opkg install –force-overwrite uclibc

install git, gcc, and set a symbolic link to the gcc just installed

opkg install git

opkg install gcc

ln -s /usr/bin/i586-poky-linux-uclibc-gcc /usr/bin/gcc

turn on Bluetooth (if the Galileo board is with Bluetooth NIC)

hcitool hci0 up



分类: Intel GalileoIoT

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